Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS) for eTendering System


  • A. Commitment to Personal Data Protection 致力保護個人資料

    We, Swire Properties Management Limited, are committed to protecting your personal data privacy. To ensure you can make informed decisions about providing to us personal information ("Data") relating to you in connection with the properties managed by Swire Properties Management Limited (the "Property Management"), we outline in this notice our practices and the choices you have concerning the collection, use and retention of your Data.
    我們太古地產管理有限公司致力保護你的個人資料的私隱。為確保 閣下就太古地產管理有限公司之其下管理的物業( 下稱「物業管理」) 能夠作出知情的決定向我們提供用作識別個人身份的資料( 下稱「資料」),我們謹此概述我們有關蒐集,利用及保存 閣下資料的常規, 讓 閣下明白自己選擇提供資料的權利。

  • B. The Data We Collect 蒐集的資料

    The Data we collect from you will be the personal information provided by you in connection with the Property Management as set out in this Web Tendering System ("eTS").
    我們會蒐集 閣下就物業管理提供並於此E投標系统(下稱「E系统」)列出的資料。

    By providing the Data to us, you acknowledge that our collection of the Data is fair and reasonable in the circumstances. Please note that it is obligatory for you to provide to us the Data as required in the eTS for the purposes of the Property Management. Failure to supply such obligatory data may result in Swire Properties Management Limited not being able to effectively carry out the Property Management duties, or contact you in relation to the updates and changes in respect of matters concerning Property Management or in emergency situations.
    閣下如向我們提供資料,即表示 閣下確認我們是在公平合理的情況下蒐集資料。請注意, 閣下須向我們提供此E系統要求的資料用以物業管理。如 閣下未能提供上述資料,有可能導致太古地產管理有限公司不能有效地履行物業管理的責任或不能因有關物業管理的消息和變更或在緊急情況下與 閣下聯繫。

  • C. Purposes for which the Data are Collected and Used 蒐集資料的目的及用途

    We may use the Data you provide for one or more of the following purposes:-
    我們可能會將 閣下提供的資料用作以下一個或多個用途︰

    1. For the Property Management;
    2. For communicating with you by email, mail, fax, phone or other means;
      利用電郵、郵寄、傳真、電話或其他方式與 閣下聯繫;
    3. For any other incidental or associated purposes relating to the above.

    We will not knowingly or intentionally use, share, sell or rent the Data provided to us in ways unrelated to the purposes above.

  • D. Retention of Personal Data資料保存

    The Data you provide to us will be kept by us in the appropriate form only for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes mentioned above after which it will be destroyed.

  • E. Disclosure and Transfer of Personal Data 披露及傳送個人資料

    We may disclose and transfer the Data to Swire Properties Limited in connection with matters relating to the Property Management; and/or otherwise relating to the purposes mentioned above.
    我們可能會就物業管理及/ 或用作上文所述的相關用途向太古地產有限公司披露及傳送資料,用於傳遞有關物業管理的消息及資訊。

    We may disclose the Data when required by law or court order of any jurisdiction, or as requested by any government, tax, regulatory or law enforcement authorities or administrative organisations (whether within or outside Hong Kong), or in the good faith that disclosure is otherwise necessary or advisable including and without limitation to protect the rights or properties of Swire Properties Management Limited or Swire Properties Limited (or both) or in circumstances which we consider to be related to any of the purposes for which the Data are collected. This also applies when we have reason to believe that disclosing the Data is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing interference with the rights or properties of Swire Properties Management Limited or Swire Properties Limited (or both), whether intentionally or otherwise, or when anyone else could be harmed by such activities.

  • F. Data Security 資料保安

    In order to ensure the correct use and to maintain the accuracy of Data collected from you, as well as preventing unauthorised or accidental access, processing, erasure or other use of the Data, we have implemented various physical, electronic and management measures to safeguard and secure the Data we collect.

  • G. How to Access or Correct Your Data or Contact Us 索取或更改資料或聯絡我們

    You are entitled to access or correct any Data relating to you held by us.
    閣下有權索取或更改我們擁有有關 閣下的資料。

    If you wish to access your Data or if you believe that the Data relating to you which we collect and maintain is inaccurate, a request may be sent to us at the following address:
    如 閣下認為我們蒐集及保存的資料並不準確,如要索取或更改資料,歡迎郵寄至以下地址:

    Technical Services and Sustainable Development
    Swire Properties Limited
    18/F, One Island East, Taikoo Place, 18 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong.
    技術統籌及可持續發展 收

    You may also contact us by the same means regarding policies and practices and kinds of Data held by Swire Properties Management Limited.

    In accordance with the terms of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the "Ordinance"), we have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.

    This notice is in compliance with the Ordinance

    It is written in the English language and may be translated into other languages. In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and the translated version of this notice, the English version shall prevail.

    (Updated in Jun 2023)
